Monday, April 6, 2009

Anthropologists in everyday life

This is the first I have ever learned about gypsies. I've never honestly given the topic any thought, but having learned how they are constantly changing their names and identities definitely
surprised me. They are sticking to their culture in attempts to remain anonymous in America. Even though they stole other people's identity, they did not use it in a harmful way; they paid their bills on time, and didn't abuse their potential abilities to ruin other people's lives. From a situation such as this, a cultural anthropologist would come of good use on a police force in order to analyze similar situations of reasoning for a crime committed by someone who has strong beliefs, is dedicated to their religion, or people whom are just not fully aware of the laws they are breaking and see if it relates to their culture. I believe that having an anthropologist on the police force would help a great deal with creating conclusions for crimes that involve immigrants or culturally different people.

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