Monday, April 6, 2009

ice cream social security

3a. What is the argument advanced by cultural relativists for their position? Note: There is a quite specific and clearly defined answer here.

The term 'cultural relativists' was established by Franz Boez. This means that what is 'right' and what is 'wrong' is culture specific. Reading about the United States v. Sonny Nicholas, the Lawyer has to figure out how to support his client. The lawyer goes to an anthropologist for help understand the Gypsy culture. Gypsies are a lot different than you think they would be. They have a different belief system and a different way they opperate in general. I personally do not agree with everything they say for personal reasons. By taking somone elses private information, a social security number for example; they could cause pain for the victim. My mother had her social security number taken from her and she had to go through a lot of pain and suffering. The gypsies dont see why its wrong that they take other peoples information. In this chapter Sonny Nicholas took a social security number and payed off the car that he wanted. When he got in trouble he gave the car back. This may not seem unfair that he had to give the car back, but legally, he was a felon for taking this social security number.

I do not believe that he did the right thing by taking someone elses social security number. I know it was in his culture for him to use a false identity to avoid marime, but I dont think stealing should be right in any culture.

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