Monday, April 6, 2009

Super Laywers

I would like to focus primarily on how we might be able to use anthropology in today's legal system; a link between cultures, which I feel, is becoming more and more necessary. Laws and rules are set in place for a reason, but than what is right to some obviously is not to others. How can we blanket out country with laws, which are set in stone for every person residing in our country's boarders? This relates greatly with giving the death penalty for mentally challenged individuals who have committed crimes which would lead to the same punishment outcomes had they been of reasonable mind. Rulings like this just don't work, people aren't the same and though our system would be blanketed instead of with black and white, with grey it would actually make our court system affective and not largely destructive as it is. If we could incorporate anthropology into the legal system in such a way that everyone could be spoken for by a representative who understood and respected their culture the scales might just begin to balance themselves. But instead we continue to have a majority of white male lawyers, and what happens? White males get away with heinous crimes where non-white males have a harder time because they are not being represented (commonly) by people who understand their lives on a more intimate level. Although when crimes from on culture affect another culture there is not as easy of an answer, but when we look at the case of S.N. I believe most of us would understand that he is innocent, especially since the car had been paid for and was even returned. If we understood and respected anthropology in the court system that whole debacle could have been avoided instead of making it worse. Food for thought at the very least, but I rather like the idea of super lawyers. - Bryan

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