Monday, April 6, 2009

Question Number Three.

This case shows how important it is for there to be American anthropologists involved in everyday life. There are so many different cultures in the United States and when they get caught up in the court system it is great that they have the proper representation. Many people are unaware of the differences between themselves and other groups of people. For example, in a court a jury who is uneducated about the ways of a gypsy life might jump to the old stereotype that gypsies are law breaking criminal. However, when an anthropologist can show them the dynamics of the gypsy culture then the case would be judged more fairly.

1 comment:

  1. Most cultures fear what they don't understand. So in the case of the gypsy, I see why the young man was treated so. Another thing about the American court systems is that the average Joe is uneducated on how the system works and that's why people fear the court room itself. What ever happened to people going to court, with no trails. Europeans used to go to court all the time with no trails lets go back to an easier way of life.
