Monday, April 13, 2009

Ghost possession or psychological distress??

 Most people, at some time in their lives, have some sort of a midlife crisis. Other people have continued stress throughout their lives that they have to deal with. Different people find different ways of dealing with the stresses that present themselves. Sita is a prime candidate for ghost possession in her society because she has had many stressful things happen to her in her life. She had many friends and siblings that have died, and she was married into a family of higher status in society than herself. All of these things make her susceptible to ghost possession in their culture. Tarekas ghost possesses her because of her stress in her life, which could mean that the ghost possessions are only psychological. It seems from the reading that they happen only to gain something. Sita was possessed on the night that she was supposed to consummate with her husband, but it seems that the possession was a reflex of her brain as a way of handling with stress, because consummating was a stressful thing for Sita. Also, Sita was worried about her husband's family liking her, and the possessions are a way for his family to care for her so that she can feel their affection. I do not know if I really believe that the possessions are true, because since people believe that it happens, Sita can also make herself believe she is possessed as a coping device for her life. 

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