Sunday, April 26, 2009

The assembly of a young Adult

Every year that leads up to your High School graduation is a rite of passage in itself. The three stages being very simple: Grade School, Middle School, then High School, the ultimate result ideally being adulthood. By the end of these three phases of school you are to be considered an adult and should be able to make decisions on your own, whether that may be to attend College, or to go straight into the work force. Whatever decision you make should be influenced by the rite of passage you have just completed and should be able to make an educated decision determining the rest of your life. For me this was my main rite of passage. Every phase preparing you for the next, progressively getting more difficult as you matured and grew into being more of an adult. The phases act somewhat as an assembly line, starting with the basics and growing more complex when more parts are added, to ultimately create a quality end product, which is ready to be released into the world. Some abuse this passage, and some take full advantage of it, which is all part of the process. In the end, the only goal is to create an educated adult, capable of making his or her own decisions in pursuing their ideal life.

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