Saturday, April 4, 2009

When I read I answer Questions

Reading Question: P.272 Cross Cultural Law
1.) The “crime: committed by the young Gypsy man was due to the cross-culture idea of establishing and using an identity through a number vs. having your identity only known by you and people close to you. In America every person is given a social security number to establish residence and identity. In Gypsy culture it is custom to keep your true name and identity a secret to the larger society. So the young Gypsy man was caught using a social security number that was not his, while trying to buy a car. He was then put on trail for intent to deceive. Which then lead to the clashing of two cultures at the hands of laws created by one culture.

Reading Question: P.292 Life with Out Chiefs
1.) A Headman, is a man, who is given all the food by the people that is gathered, then pools it together and then redistributing the food into portions back to the people. But also the Headman does his own hunting and gathering too. The Headman is known to work harder then any other person and receives the least amount of goods. Because they are giving greater amounts to their followers, in the end leaving less for themselves. Keeping redistribution to keep the economical and political stand of the people in the culture.
A Big Man came into view when a lot of Headman decided to compete on who produced the feast to the followers/people in the group. The Big man could almost be seen as the next level from the Headman. The Big Man still works very hard and sometimes goes hungry himself just to be abel to produce the largest gift of food.
The Chief would be the first on the scale of power, he now does not do any work in hunting and gathering food. He would have come to this status due to the fact his food supplies had become so great he no longer needed to worry about it. People would soon come to the Chief with questions and in need of help. The Chief would also take care of all the political issues and ties now. He would also live a finer and more grand life then others that followed him, by building bigger houses and wearing nicer things.

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