Monday, February 16, 2009

I don't have any money, but I have alot of time!

My mom has this saying that goes something like " Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, so thats why we call right now The Present... because it's a gift." Or something like that. She says it to me every time I get all freaked out about the future or stuck on things in the past. She is someone who really drills that idea into my head on a constant occasion. I feel that we live in a society that is so consumed with the idea of 'time is money" because people are go-go-go all the time. There is such a pressure to be the "perfect student" or "perfect mother" and so on. Our society is also very set on materialistic happiness and making money to create this unrealistic ideal and standard. But I also don't think you should wast your time by never doing anything. People sometimes take advantage of the idea of "living in the moment" by making very stupider dissections that could change your life forever. Like taking revenge on someone or doing something malicious to hurt others. My roommate is half Mexican and all she said Americans are too on time and in her culture they are a bit slower when is comes to the idea of staying on time. 

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