Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More than just losing a language

By losing languages we are missing more and more aspects of human nature, and how we came to be in our present form. It should be everyones concern to preserve languages because by losing our diversity of language, we are losing our diverse understanding of ourselves as humans. The articles also bring up a point that by losing languages, we are also losing possibly valuable insights into medicinal plants. Every single one of our drugs we have today is derived from our natural world, and we certainly have not identified or discovered all plants that could prove to be revolutionary in the medical field. By losing native languages that have identified and used medicinal plants, we could be delaying the process of or entirely missing out on the further development of extremely valuable medicines and drugs that coule be used on a more universal level. So saving languages goes beyond getting a a better cultural understanding, it reaches out into how each and everyone of us could be living in the future

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