Monday, February 9, 2009

What if no one speaks my language anymore today?

That is not a normal question that we ask ourselves every day, however lately people should be asking themselves just that. Language is very important, but how many languages do we really need? When one country has several different languages it would be hard for a language to survive. In the United States Spanish is the second language spoken, however in the current working world, many jobs you need to know a second language. When someone is standing in front of you at a store and they are speaking another language that you don't understand, it gets very annoying. When you are in another part of town, and no one speaks english, that is annoying too. I believe that there should be one language that everyone should have to know how to speak. If everyone can speak at least one common language everyone would be able to communicate much easier than in today's world. If a cultures language dies out it is because the culture either doesn’t want to carry on the language or they can’t. When someone loses a language they may lose communication between them and older people, but as for the younger generations, I don’t believe they lose anything. Cultural identity doesn’t necessarily have to do with only language. Identifying your culture could include cultural ceremonies, the way in which you live, and many other things.

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