Monday, February 9, 2009

So your language died, what next?

Unfortunately like most things, languages will decrease and condense. This is not necessarily a bad thing, since a common language will prevent misperceived communication and ideas. It has the potential to help unify people in a collective conscious which can be beneficial, but of course there are also tragedies to consider such as the central means of communication for an entire culture disappearing and the Orwellian factor of becoming mindless drones as we lose ourselves. However since all of the world's problems stem from inexperience with various situations and misunderstandings as a result of everyones unique life experience, a lessening of languages could help in massive ways to resolve issues and bring about global understanding to higher degree. People fear what they do not understand and even if everyone were to learn one common language which currently is pretty much english with spanish and mandarin somewhere behind we could communicate with a more similar understanding. This is of course scary at the same time since losing these unique languages only able to be spoken and understood by a select group of people would no doubt be a tragedy. So I believe it is up to people to record these languages and inform people that they once existed.

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