Monday, February 16, 2009

Pace of Time Living in Italy

I grew up in America and started my life at America's fast pace. I suffered through beyond full workdays from both parents, both with several post graduate degrees, some obtained after I was born. School took up a majority of my time and when I wasn't busy with assignments, even from an early age, I had social obligations that filled my calender. But then I moved to Italy with a friend and experienced an entirely different pace of life.

Their workday start much later in the day than ours, and their jobs are much less labor intensive except in the worst of situations. They get multiple breaks during the day and it is expected that they have an easy day at their jobs. Leisure is far more important to them than work, and their leisure is much more laid back than ours. Americans schedule their leisure, make plans with friends weeks in advance, throw planned parties, and celebrate every little detail of a persons life on schedule. In Italy, leisure means simply doing nothing, sitting on the bridge/ledges overlooking the town, walking around bridges and boardwalks, playing in piazza's, or enjoying fine italian quisine (only during their limited open hours). Going to the clubs is also much different, its far more impulsive, you don't plan it with your friends in advance, especially not days, much less hours. When it gets late enough you simply feel like going or you don't, people don't get overly dressed up, people don't plan on going to the clubs, its simply, if your out and in the mood, you go, if your in, you stay in.

Time passes much slower in Italy than in America, their economy is probobly worse off for it, but to me, their way of life is simpler, easier. It also makes appreciated the beuty of the country much easier since you actually have time to stop and look around.

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