Monday, February 16, 2009

Time is not a commodity, nor is it real.

Why in the West has time been nothing more than a commodity that we never have enough of? First of all time is both the best and worst invention ever created, it has brought order to the world which has enabled us to progress but it has also given us countless stresses as we panic to find time to fit everything into our schedules. There is just so much that we have to accomplish in such a short span of time and we never take the time for ourselves to just sit back and relax. We have become slaves to the clock, a non existent concept that must be constantly checked in order to ease our minds that we are still on track and doing everything as we are supposed to. I wish more people would view time as a gift but the greater majority, particularly in America find themselves diagnosed with imaginary mental disorders from the fast paced, over demanding schedule we have generated for ourselves to insure our spot at the top of the pops as being the most productive and most progressive society in the world. If we could all just chill out for a second and relax, take the time to reanalyze our situation and understand whether or not we're content with this drone esc style of living we would most likely realize that filling every waking second of our lives with something to do has pre-mapped a dull, strained sense of existence. But the people in power know this so they make sure to keep you blind sighted, make sure to keep you slaving away accomplishing nothing but obtaining more crap you don't need, looking to acheive standards that don't exist, and all in the quest for "happiness". Religion especially the Christian faith and more specifically the descendants of the Calvinists, the Puritans brought about this aweful condition with their concepts of predestination, a tireless work ethic, and a socioeconomic hierarchy that placed the wealthiest people as the holiest. We have them to thank for our capitalistic society of fuck over who ever you can so you can make it to the top, and its all a mad dash since the clock is ticking! I say we stop playing their game and start living more fully by enjoying life more through leisure and less through preplanned "fun time". Life is supposed to be spontaneous, and "time" a gift.

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