Monday, February 16, 2009

The Only Way I See It

Time is the future, the possibilities, and it is the first thing people think of when they need strength to grow. Anything is possible one day and that dream is at the heart of anyone who longs for more, but most importantly.

Time is the handbook that tells us what has happened around the world, and how people have reacted. Beyond anything else it is out gateway into the future by being able to dissect similar situations and life lessons learned by others years into the past. Everything that governs what we chose to do in the future is a direct cause of what has already transpired be it a week, or a thousand years ago.

It makes sense that time is money is a more popular saying in America than it is in other countries where saying such as time is a gift, might be more common. Just watching Slumdog Millionaire the other day it shows Americans are focused at money, as is most of the world, but not like our great country. Money is the goal, money is the end of the day, the end of the life, it's human's ultimate goal.

Even the idea of gifts in western cultures revolves around how much money we spend, and how great we are for selflessly giving our green to someone else.

Time makes fools of us all as the saying goes makes the most sense for me, and I have to admit I find the other two quite similar at least in my idea of western culture.

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