Sunday, March 8, 2009

I do...not

In the more liberally free parts of the world like America, Canada and parts of Europe, more and more people are having children outside of marriage through a number of ways. Gay adults and singles are adopting more children, single women are opting for visiting sperm banks or finding a surrogate mother in order to have a child. I think this phenomena is occurring because life in these nations moves so quickly and the definintion of family has drastically changed. As opposed to the 1950's Leave it To Beaver era where men and women got married right out of highschool and started a family with 2.5 kids and a dog, most people choose to go to college and put their career before their personal life, which doesn't leave a lot of time for in love falling or getting married. Many people are also having kids really early. Like teenage pregnancy, which is most of the time a mistake or and accident but ends up turning kids into parents and forming families, defined by either single mother and fathers or a very young couple working through it. I think in the busy lives we lead and the impressive careers people aspire to have now put family building on the back burner. I mean think about all the singles websites like and, people just don't have the time anymore to go out and find their soulmate, but the desire to pass on their genes and progress the community with a new generation is still there, so people drift to the alternatives. So to answer the question, of course there is a relationship between the society and the choices members make to start families. In countries where family is priority to gaining weath or retaining stature within the society, marriages are arranged and not based on love. In societies where a partner and children are needed to work or support the community, it is important just to marry and have the children to create a tightknit system.
However I don't see any problem with the ways that Americans and Europeans have families. I'm a firm believer in marriage that lasts a lifetime, but I'm a hopeless romantic. I think a lot of people just need someone there to love and to love them back. Its all about human connection, especially in the fast paced society we live in, and well who's better to love than a child? I think it makes perfect sense for our society to have a child outside of marriage. We aren't as much of a society based on tradtion and ways the bible teaches us to do things, it's a new millenium and people are moving away from how people used to do things, I think it only makes sense that family units change too.
My family didn't start as the 1950's stereotype. My dad was getting divorced and had a daughter already and I'm pretty sure I was an accident and they didn't get married until I was 11. Dysfunctional is just how America runs. I think that marriage is something that should be done out of love, no matter who the person, but I don't think that you need to be in love to have a healthy, happy child. I strongly believe you only need to love the child, loving someone else is just a bonus.

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