Monday, March 9, 2009


I am still a romantic at heart, in spite of a predominantly skeptical temperament.

That being said, I do think that marrying for love is ideal, and something I hope to achieve one day. The only problem is that, while it becomes clearer as I age, I have no idea what is required of someone in being faithful forever. It's a completely subjective idea -- can't really say you know until you know, and even then you can change your mind or discover something entirely different. Love differs between people, and then it differs between couples, and then you add in cultural background, beliefs, faith. How is it possible to line up your path in life perfectly with someone else's? I don't understand.

I can say though that marrying to better your life makes sense as well. Some people really have no choice -- it's either get married or be put in a corner. Financial and cultural reasons are just as valid if they're personal, and it's the same with not getting married at all. For some people, the official rites and titles simply have no context. I know a lot of couples who would like to and plan to spend their lives together, but don't like the legal responsibility of being married. On the other hand, some of these couples are also unhappy with the fact that, even if they might as well be husband/wife, they are denied some of the rights that come with the certificate. Married people do get benefits, and whether or not those are fair is entirely subjective as well.

It's all ridiculously complicated, but then ... Most things are. 


  1. Marriage for Love... not anymore

    I see marriages more like a business venture. What can two people bring together to do better for their situations? Many marriages are prearranged in other countries and they seem to work out fine. That not to say all prearranged marriages work out, but they work and not off of love.

    With the ailing economy, I’d rather have a more business savvy with than a pregnant housewife.

  2. I never said I didn't agree with marriages that weren't for love. I only stated that for me personally that would be the ideal. Note the entire second paragraph? I certainly know what's realistic, but I'm not out of touch with my childhood dreams. :p

    My grandparents had an arranged marriage, and they're still together. Even if they haven't always been happy, the union between them is more of a partnership, and they don't take things as personally as they might if they'd ever loved eachother romantically.
