Monday, March 2, 2009

I want a Hot Wheels, and Crash Bandicoot, and Candy 4 mai Birfday.

I don't think all gifts have to be material things. I do consider gifts typically to be a positive thing given from one person to another, or to a group of people. Any way you give, it doesn't have to be a material thing. I think someone said in an earlier post that they consider something as simple as a smile to be a gift. I fully agree with this, I also think that things like helping with homework, or helping someone move into an apartment could be considered a gift. Anything done with the intention of helping or positively affecting one's life by giving your time and energy can be considered as a gift. Of course people may say, well if you are exerting time and energy then the gift is not free. This is only true if you live by that mentality, which brings me back to a previous blog entry about time as money, or time as a gift. If you consider time to be money, then giving up your free time to help someone out or do something positive for them would be considered a costly gift. But the mentality that I pursue is that If I am giving up my time for something positive, than there was no time wasted at all. In this way, I believe that any non-material gift can be considered free.

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