Monday, March 9, 2009

Marriage and Family

I don't believe in marriage, it's simply a way for the government to validate an emotional and spiritual connection between two people that may or may not last like everything else in life. Forcing two people to be bound to one another for the rest of their lives at their expense to the state and well as the social and religious ramifications is just stupid and unnatural. One of the origins I am most familiar with, which is probably moreover the basis for how current marriages are done was initially created in the feudal system between a lord and his vassal, there was an exchanging of rings, the vassal getting to his knee, a public ceremony, and the promise of a pseudo-symbiotic relationship between the two parties. Marriage has seldom been based solely on love, many were for purposes of alliances between nations, exchanges of lands, class mobility, religious necessity, social pressure, protection, propagating the species, or doing what your supposed to. The increase in divorce, and the decrease in traditional marriage makes sense, and its good to see people finally start to realize that they're not permanently bound to one another.

I also think it's a great idea for people to have a child out of wedlock as long as they both actually intend to raise the child and do as best as they can, balancing the child between one another. Possibly even with the assistance of friends or relatives to help raise the child in a far more communal environment where they can experience a much broader variety of people than the traditional and flawed idea of the nuclear family. This leads children to growing up naive and trapped in a systematic box. Of course for different cultures and people of varying mentalities this ideology might not work as well for them, so i suppose this is really just based on one's own opinions and values. It makes sense that certain cultures and followers of certain religious beliefs adhere to particular rules for marriage and children but humans are constantly changing and evolving and as social and familial structures change and survival is not as pertinent this system will most likely change.

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