Monday, March 9, 2009

Out Of Wedlock

Europe and North America are predominatly Christian continents so the biggest problem in my opinion posed by having a child without getting married is the religious ramifications. People with strict catholic/christian upbringings tend to have it embedded in their mind that you have to be married to have a child, no if's and's or but's. Most people with that upbringing, were a pregnancy to arise, they'd get married right away. Thats what they're culture and upbringing has brought them to believe is the right thing to do.

But living in the free societies that we do, often times children are had out of wedlock. "Love Childs" are often looked down upon by the church and the extremely religious but the liberals of our nations completely support a woman's right to do what she wants. Now if a woman were to get pregnant in a less free society, the decision would not be hers, but that of her families. So despite the strict Christian guidelines for children and marriage, I feel fortunate to live in a society where we have the freedom to choose what we want to do despite any cultural negativity it might bring on.

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