Monday, March 9, 2009

Not so much

The question here is does anyone believe that marriage on the basis of love is our cultures tradition, false. To even state the question in such a way isolates others outside of what stereotypes have dictated "the norm". Would it be risky to marry someone based on romantic love? I don't know about you but I don't believe anyone feels that way or falls into that beautifully illusionary image of America Romance. Don't get me wrong the problem I have is not with love but with the marriage section. People weigh a million and one options when deciding if marriage is what's best, never is it "Oh I want to jump their bones every time they smile their too perfect I need to marry them (a metaphor I use to express the concept of being in love in less common terms)." and if that is so, then the chances of success maritally, or otherwise. This might just be the part in me who loves debating philosophy but a question like this seems nearly as impossible to provoke anything of substance as is a debate about the afterlife, but much more boring. Call me Mr. pessimist over here, but marriage is hardly as beautiful a thing as people (most often extremists) want you to believe it is. If I ever get married you better believe survival will be an issue, if my family can't survive, the way they deserve to be living than that's not what I even call survival.

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