Monday, March 2, 2009

Meditation is good for you.

I grew up volunteering and helping others. In fact, I am going to be spending a good chunk of my life after i graduate doing exactly that. I think it is very interesting to think about how people feel obligated to give when they have received a gift. In my case after i graduate i will be helping those who cannot help themselves let alone give a material gift. Sometimes people forget that a gift can be given to you from you. I get great satisfaction and inner enlightenment from helping others. Also, a simple smile or thank you from someone can mean much more than flowers or whatever the "gift" of thanks may be. I think that's one of the greatest things about volunteering. In a yoga class that i take, we talk a lot about non-obligation and non-attachment. This idea of non-attachment is great in theory, but i do think that the world does go round because of give and take.

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